Welcome to 2015!

Posted on January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

This month commences the 2nd half of our 2014/2015 programming season at the Fort Heritage Precinct’s History Centre. The programming team is looking very forward to sharing our historical fun with all of you!

Currently the remainder of our programming season is completely booked. However, on occasion, a program is cancelled and a new programming date becomes availalable. Therefore, if you have not been able to register for one of our Grade 4 or 5 History Centre programs, please consider placing youself on our History Centre Waiting List. Contact the Historic Site Programs Coordinator at [email protected] or 780.991.2342 to be added to the History Centre Waiting List or for more information on how the waiting list works.

Very soon information will be posted regarding our participation in both the North Central Teachers’ Convention and the Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention. We look forward to seeing all of our old friends and meeting new ones in February!!

Have a fabulous January!

"The tour of the Precinct was really interesting and very engaging for the children. There were so many hands on activities for them to participate in that they were always engaged. I love that they are allowed to touch and explore many of the items around the precinct. That makes such a difference to keep them engaged, on task and motivated. The learning connections between what we talked about in school and what we saw were evident in the conversations between the kids and the interpreters."