Sheep Grazing Program

We are open during the construction along 100th Ave! Check out our Visit Us page for more information on where to park and how to access the Warden’s Residence from July – October 2024. For groups of 10 or more, please call us at 780-998-1783 to book your tour slot.

City of Fort Saskatchewan’s Sheep Grazing Program – Located at the Fort Heritage Precinct


The sheep of Fort Saskatchewan have been delighting visitors and keeping the grass trim in City parks for almost three decades. If “ewe” haven’t already heard, Fort Saskatchewan uses the flock as an eco-friendly way of looking after the parks.

The sheep are a delight to residents and visitors. It’s quite the sight to see a shepherd and sheepdogs in the city, herding the flock of 50 warm, friendly, and fuzzy sheep.

Every year, the sheep arrive to the Fort Heritage Precinct during the Legacy Park Family Festival and leave during the first week of September. Please visit the City of Fort Saskatchewan’s Visit the Sheep webpage for the most up-to-date information on where and when you can visit the sheep.

You’re welcome to come up close and meet the living lawnmowers. The quiet sheep love attention and you can expect the whole flock to surround you!

"The tour of the Precinct was really interesting and very engaging for the children. There were so many hands on activities for them to participate in that they were always engaged. I love that they are allowed to touch and explore many of the items around the precinct. That makes such a difference to keep them engaged, on task and motivated. The learning connections between what we talked about in school and what we saw were evident in the conversations between the kids and the interpreters."