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What’s in store for you

In Fort Saskatchewan’s downtown core, you will find the Fort Heritage Precinct nestled on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River. The Precinct celebrates three distinct time periods: the City’s earliest history is represented by the 1875 North West Mounted Police (NWMP) Fort, while the historical village and 1905 Canadian Northern Railway Station capture the experiences of the earliest settlers. The 1937 Warden’s Residence showcases Alberta’s Provincial Gaol (jail) history and serves as the Precinct’s Visitor Information Centre.

Throughout the year, The Fort Heritage Precinct is accessible through guided tours. As you take a tour through the NWMP Fort, you will be whisked back in time to imagine yourself as a constable climbing the bastion to view the surrounding landscape. After exploring the Fort, hop forward in time to the historical village, where you can imagine yourself as a student in the 1902 Castle School, visualize life as a settler in the early 20th century, and see how the town doctor lived in the 1920s. You can also explore Fort Saskatchewan’s history of law and order at the 1909 Courthouse.

The Fort Heritage Precinct is also a great outdoor recreation area where you can feed the City’s flock of sheep, toboggan down the river valley hills, skate under the winter lights at Legacy Park, and enjoy the beautiful trails year-round. The museum does not offer food services, however, restaurants are within short walking distance.


The  Warden’s Residence, North West Mounted Police Fort, and Canadian Northern Railway Station are wheelchair/walker accessible. The Historical Village is not wheelchair accessible but can be managed by individuals with limited walking abilities who do not tire easily.

The Fort Heritage Precinct is an outdoor site so be sure to prepare for the weather and bring a pair of walking shoes to experience all that the site has to offer.

Education Programs

Our Education Programs are designed to support the delivery of knowledge, outcomes, and historical thinking skills outlined in the Alberta Social Studies Curriculum by offering engaging and interactive programs for grades K-5. Through various sessions, instructed by knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff, we offer teachers and students a unique opportunity to bring the history of Alberta and Canada to life.

If you’re interested in bringing your students to the Fort Heritage Precinct, call 780-998-1783 or email [email protected]!

Our Mission

Through the collection, research, preservation, and interpretation of local history, we create an environment of inspiration for our community to discover the development of Fort Saskatchewan and surrounding areas and its relevance to Western Canadian and Canadian history.

"That was a great day! Very informative and fun."