February = Teacher’s Conventions and Spring! Or so it is said…

Posted on February 2, 2015

A lovely February to all of you!

As Mr. Glen Buchan has explained to me – when the time for teachers’ conventions arrives, spring arrives too! Perhaps it will arrive soon?

The curricular programming instructors and I are looking very forward to starting February at the North Central Teachers’ Convention on the 5th and 6th and ending the month at the Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention on February 26th and 27th! Both conventions will have Doug Davis, Joseph Wood or Dave Fairfield, Glen Buchan, and I at booth 120 (NCTCA) or booth 1204 (GETCA), handing out samples of the pemmican we use in our Connections to the Land program and demonstrating the innovative and fun ways we share the history of Canada with students. Our booth will have all the information you need about our programs along with samples of the unique artifacts and props we use for specific historical topics. Be sure to drop by and catch up or introduce yourself. We want to talk historical curricular programs with you!

"The facilities we experienced were authentic and helped us gain a genuine understanding of what it was like at the Precinct over 100 years ago."