Fall Programs Back in Session

Posted on October 27, 2016

After a busy summer season at the Fort Heritage Precinct, the fall season of programming has commenced. this includes the following three programs.

Grade 5 – Connection to the Law – Located in the NWMP Fort
Grade 5 – Connection to the Land – Located in the Historical Village
Grade 4 – Connection to the People – Located in the NWMP Fort

These are all a one day field trip. We provide information, role playing, handling of artifacts, activities and games within each one hour session. Students and teachers give us a very high rating for student involvement and curriculum – related learning. Many even tell us this is their best trip of the year.

We look forward to welcoming new and familiar faces during the season.

"The tour of the Precinct was really interesting and very engaging for the children. There were so many hands on activities for them to participate in that they were always engaged. I love that they are allowed to touch and explore many of the items around the precinct. That makes such a difference to keep them engaged, on task and motivated. The learning connections between what we talked about in school and what we saw were evident in the conversations between the kids and the interpreters."