
History Centre Moves to Fort Saskatchewan

Posted on August 20, 2012EventsOn The RoadPress Release

The Edmonton and District Historical Society’s History Centre is moving to the Fort Saskatchewan Museum & Historic Site. The Edmonton and District Historical Society (EDHS) is one of Alberta’s oldest heritage institutions, tracing its origins to 1907. In recent years, the Society has offered curriculum based history programs through the History Centre, receiving enthusiastic endorsements […]

"Amazing learning connections were made between our study of past and present and your program. Lunch facilities were great. The games and hands on activities we played were so much fun. So many happy faces to be spending time in jail! The tour of village were also extremely well done. Again, the children were kept engaged and involved. The mock trial was great fun. I can’t say enough about your program It is absolutely fanstastic. Your staff does an outstanding job leading the children."