
We are open during the construction along 100th Ave! Check out our Visit Us page for more information on where to park and how to access the Warden’s Residence from July – October 2024. For groups of 10 or more, please call us at 780-998-1783 to book your tour slot.

Acting at the Fort Heritage Precinct

Posted on April 12, 2016Uncategorised

We have a new Acting Culture and Historic Precinct Supervisor, congratulations Cherise Elliott. Jana Rowe will be filling in for Cherise as the Acting Fort Heritage Precinct Program Coordinator until further notice. Should you wish to connect with Jana about any of the programs she can be reached at the [email protected] email or by calling […]

History Centre Programming Registration Opens on June 2 at 9:00 am

Posted on May 25, 2015EventsPress ReleaseSessions

Welcome to the 2015/2016 season of the History Centre! The Curricular Programming Team is looking very forward to welcoming all of you to the Fort Heritage Precinct starting in October. Please Note: The fee for History Centre programs has increased from $300.00 to $325.00 per program, effective immediately. Together, the Edmonton and District Historical Society […]

February = Teacher’s Conventions and Spring! Or so it is said…

Posted on February 2, 2015EventsOn The RoadSessions

A lovely February to all of you! As Mr. Glen Buchan has explained to me – when the time for teachers’ conventions arrives, spring arrives too! Perhaps it will arrive soon? The curricular programming instructors and I are looking very forward to starting February at the North Central Teachers’ Convention on the 5th and 6th […]

Welcome to 2015!

Posted on January 5, 2015EventsOn The RoadSessions

Happy New Year! This month commences the 2nd half of our 2014/2015 programming season at the Fort Heritage Precinct’s History Centre. The programming team is looking very forward to sharing our historical fun with all of you! Currently the remainder of our programming season is completely booked. However, on occasion, a program is cancelled and […]

We’ve Got a New Name!

Posted on November 10, 2014On The RoadPress ReleaseSessions

Hey History Fans! Welcome to Winter in Alberta… dry, cold, and (thankfully) full of history that is made perfect for an afternoon by a crackling woodstove. Speaking of said history, check out our exciting news! The Fort Saskatchewan Museum & Historic Site has a brand new, much shorter name! The museum is now called the […]

A New Season of the History Centre and History on the Road

Posted on August 19, 2014On The RoadSessions

Welcome Back History Buffs! This year marks the third season of the History Centre and History on the Road programs at the Fort Saskatchewan Museum & Historic Site. We are looking forward to seeing all of you, this year, and have updated our programs to include a higher level of historical engagement and fun! Ninety […]

Thanks for Visiting Us!

Posted on May 27, 2014EventsOn The RoadSessions

Wow! What an amazing year at the History Centre. We loved every minute of it and we want to thank all of you, all of our amazing schools and fabulous students, for choosing HISTORY and choosing US! If History is on the agenda for the 2014/2015 school year, please mark June 2nd on your calendars. […]

March 2014 at the History Centre

Posted on March 4, 2014On The RoadSessions

As February turned into March and museum programming staff enjoyed the last of February’s Teachers’ Conventions, the remaining History Centre program booking dates were all claimed! Therefore, as of March 1st, the History Centre is fully booked until the end of the current school year. Registration for the 2014/2015 school year opens Monday, June 2nd, […]

January to March 2014 at the History Centre

Posted on February 6, 2014EventsOn The RoadSessions

The History Centre started 2014 off with historical fun (and why not)! January 7th was the launch of our Grade 4 Connections to the Peoples program at the Fort Saskatchewan Museum & Historic Site. The Connections to the Peoples program is designed to elucidate general and specific curricular outcomes outlined in the Alberta Social Studies […]

Happy Holidays!

Posted on December 4, 2013Sessions

Thank you for another wonderful Autumn season at the History Centre! The schools that visited us in October helped to get our facilitators warmed up for a busy 2014. New for the 2013/2014 programming year is an appreciation gift that the History Centre, and its sponsors, presents to returning schools to thank them for their […]

"Our field trip was very well organized and full of interesting activities. Our presenters were prepared for our arrival and showed interest in the activities that they were leading. I would have no hesitation in recommending this field trip to colleagues. It was a very informative and interesting day."