Who Was Here Before Us?

Elementary History Program

2024/2025 Program Registration is FULL. Please email [email protected] to join the waitlist.

This full day program, offered annually in June, July, and August, allows participants to enjoy all that the Fort Heritage Precinct has to offer. The program includes interactive tours of the Historical Village and the North West Mounted Police Fort, four hands-on activity stations, old-fashioned home-made ice cream tasting, and a visit to Fort Saskatchewan’s famous flock of sheep – complete with carrots for the sheep to nibble on!


Registration costs are $7.00/student (no tax), with no charges for teachers and adult helpers or aids. Ask us about adding a candy stick bundle for $0.25+tax/student! 

Our preferred method of payment is credit card, over the phone, with a financial representative for your institution. We also accept credit cards, debit cards, and cheque payments on-site. If your institution plans to pay by cheque, please ensure all cheques are made payable to the City of Fort Saskatchewan. If your institution prefers to be emailed an invoice, please state that request in the Additional Notesection of the Registration Form.


Maximum class size: 50 students

When registering, please specify which grade level you are booking for. The Who Was Here Before Us? program is best suited for students in grades K-3. If you would like to register a different Grade level for a program, please contact the Fort Heritage Precinct Programs Coordinator directly at [email protected] or 780.992.6635

Before You Arrive

  1. Please divide your students into equal groups. If you have fewer than 33 students, please divide them into three equal groups. If you have between 33-50 students, please divide them into four equal groups. We request that each student wears a nametag.
  2. Please ensure that you have at least one adult supervisor for each group. We do not charge for additional adults, so please bring as many as you’d like!
  3. Encourage students to dress for the elements, as recesses and many of our activities are held outdoors.
  4. Have all students pack a bagged lunch and a water bottle. Our lunch rooms are not equipped with fridges, microwaves, or water fountains.
  5. Please let us know what time you expect to arrive (between 9:30-9:45), and what time you need to leave (between 2:00-2:15). If you are unsure what time you will need to leave, please let us know upon your arrival at your program what time you will need to leave that day.
  6. Please contact the Fort Heritage Precinct Programs Coordinator if you have any special needs requirements, questions, or concerns. You can contact the Coordinator at [email protected], or 780.992.6635

Getting Here

Please ensure that the designated bus driver is familiar with the location of the Fort Heritage Precinct. The Who Was Here Before Us? program begins and ends in our Historic Village. Student drop off areas are indicated on this map. The drop off location for the Historic Village is indicated by the green marker. To see all of the pertinent points listed on the map, it must be viewed in Satellite mode and not in Map mode. Please zoom in on the Fort Heritage Precinct icons, to view the precinct in detail.

Approximate travel times from Edmonton neighbourhoods to Fort Saskatchewan City limits:

Terwillegar  55 Minutes
West Edmonton  48 Minutes
Mill Woods  40 Minutes
Castle Downs  32 Minutes
Clareview  22 Minutes


When you arrive at the Fort Heritage Precinct, one of our Historical Interpreters will be waiting to direct your bus to the student drop off area. Next, a brief introduction/orientation will be given before the students are divided into their groups and guided to the first stop on their tour!

Daily Schedule

During your visit, attendees will travel around the site with a guide, learning about all the different historic buildings we have. Learn about life back over 100 years ago with activities including historic games, laundry, and other chores and games.

On Thursdays and Fridays in June, July, and August, Fort Saskatchewan’s famous flock of sheep will join your program at the end of the day! On Wednesdays, and on any day booked before the second week of June, the sheep visit will be replaced by a fun and educational group activity.

The schedule for the day will also depend on the arrival and departure times determined by the attending school. We are happy to accommodate different arrival and departure times and will shape the program to best suit your group’s needs!


"Our field trip was very well organized and full of interesting activities. Our presenters were prepared for our arrival and showed interest in the activities that they were leading. I would have no hesitation in recommending this field trip to colleagues. It was a very informative and interesting day."