Connections Programs Overview

CONNECTIONS PROGRAMS for 2023/2024 are full. Contact [email protected] to be added to the Waitlist – thank you for your interest! Registration for the 2024/2025 school year opens on June 3rd, 2024!

Our Connections programs have been designed for students in Grades 4 and 5, focusing specifically on the history of Alberta and Western Canada. History Centre programs are held from 9:30 am – 2:15 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in October through May.


The cost of each registered program for the 2023/2024 is $350.00. If you registered in time to receive the MEGlobal subsidy, our Programs Coordinator will confirm this, thank you! 

Our preferred method of payment is credit card. We also accept debit cards, and cheque payments on-site. If your institution plans to pay by cheque, please ensure all cheques are made payable to the City of Fort Saskatchewan.


Maximum class size: 30 – 33 students

When registering, please choose the appropriate program for the grade level being booked. Connections Programs bookings are for Grades 4 and 5.  If you would like to register a different Grade level for a program, please contact the Fort Heritage Precinct Programs Coordinator directly at [email protected] or 780-992-6635.

Before You Arrive

  1. Divide your class into three, equal numbered, colour coded groups: red, yellow, and blue. We request that each student wears a colour coded name tag. At least three adult supervisors (one teacher and two or more additional adults) must be present to accompany your class throughout the day.
  2. Inform all students to dress for the elements! Recesses are held outside.
  3. Inform all students to pack a bag lunch and bring a water bottle. Our lunch rooms are not equipped with fridges, microwaves, or water fountains.
  4. Please indicate, at the beginning of your program, what time your class must depart from the Precinct (14:00 or 14:15).
  5. Contact the Fort Heritage Precinct Programs Coordinator to discuss specific special needs requirements.

Getting Here

Please ensure that your bus driver is familiar with the location of the Fort Heritage Precinct. Connections to the Law and Peoples programs will be dropped of at our main admissions building (10006 100 Ave) and Connections to the Land programs will be dropped off at our Historic Courthouse (10104 101ST).

Approximate travel times from Edmonton neighbourhoods to Fort Saskatchewan City limits:

Terwillegar  55 Minutes
West Edmonton  48 Minutes
Mill Woods  40 Minutes
Castle Downs  32 Minutes
Clareview  22 Minutes


When you arrive at the Fort Heritage Precinct, one of our session instructors will be waiting to direct your bus to the student drop off area. Next, the session instructor will guide you and your students to the program room and the students will be given an opportunity to drop off their belongings and have a washroom break. Finally, a brief introduction/orientation will be given before the students are divided into three groups and guided to their first sessions.

Daily Schedule

9:30 Students arrive
9:45 Introduction and orientation
10:00 First session
10:55 Lunch and recess break # 1
11:25 Second session
12:20 Lunch and recess break # 2
12:50 Third session
13:45 – 14:15 Wrap-up and review
14:00 – 14:30 Students depart – Departure time dependent upon bus/school schedules.

"The leaders of each session were informative and engaged the students. They were well prepared and really made the program interesting!"