
Posted on July 4, 2018

We want to hear from you!

Posted on July 4, 2018Events

The Fort Heritage Precinct is looking for community input on our Canada Day 2018 celebrations in order to make them even better in the future. If you visited the 1875 North West Mounted Police Fort on July 1st, please fill out the following survey to let us know what you thought! To fill out the […]

Peoples of the North Saskatchewan Festival a Great Success

Posted on May 31, 2018EventsPress Release

We are happy to report that the “People of the North Saskatchewan Festival” on May 15th and 16th, 2018 was a resounding success. The Festival, which is put on annually by the Fort Saskatchewan Historical Society, is a free event run primarily by volunteers that showcases Fort Saskatchewan’s history and the stories of the people […]

History Centre Programming Registration Opens on June 2 at 9:00 am

Posted on May 25, 2015EventsPress ReleaseSessions

Welcome to the 2015/2016 season of the History Centre! The Curricular Programming Team is looking very forward to welcoming all of you to the Fort Heritage Precinct starting in October. Please Note: The fee for History Centre programs has increased from $300.00 to $325.00 per program, effective immediately. Together, the Edmonton and District Historical Society […]

February = Teacher’s Conventions and Spring! Or so it is said…

Posted on February 2, 2015EventsOn The RoadSessions

A lovely February to all of you! As Mr. Glen Buchan has explained to me – when the time for teachers’ conventions arrives, spring arrives too! Perhaps it will arrive soon? The curricular programming instructors and I are looking very forward to starting February at the North Central Teachers’ Convention on the 5th and 6th […]

Welcome to 2015!

Posted on January 5, 2015EventsOn The RoadSessions

Happy New Year! This month commences the 2nd half of our 2014/2015 programming season at the Fort Heritage Precinct’s History Centre. The programming team is looking very forward to sharing our historical fun with all of you! Currently the remainder of our programming season is completely booked. However, on occasion, a program is cancelled and […]

Thanks for Visiting Us!

Posted on May 27, 2014EventsOn The RoadSessions

Wow! What an amazing year at the History Centre. We loved every minute of it and we want to thank all of you, all of our amazing schools and fabulous students, for choosing HISTORY and choosing US! If History is on the agenda for the 2014/2015 school year, please mark June 2nd on your calendars. […]

January to March 2014 at the History Centre

Posted on February 6, 2014EventsOn The RoadSessions

The History Centre started 2014 off with historical fun (and why not)! January 7th was the launch of our Grade 4 Connections to the Peoples program at the Fort Saskatchewan Museum & Historic Site. The Connections to the Peoples program is designed to elucidate general and specific curricular outcomes outlined in the Alberta Social Studies […]

History Centre Moves to Fort Saskatchewan

Posted on August 20, 2012EventsOn The RoadPress Release

The Edmonton and District Historical Society’s History Centre is moving to the Fort Saskatchewan Museum & Historic Site. The Edmonton and District Historical Society (EDHS) is one of Alberta’s oldest heritage institutions, tracing its origins to 1907. In recent years, the Society has offered curriculum based history programs through the History Centre, receiving enthusiastic endorsements […]

"The leaders of each session were informative and engaged the students. They were well prepared and really made the program interesting!"